Since the last time I blogged it snowed twice here. Once during the day on Jan. 28th and at night on Feb. 3rd. It was a lot of fun for us considering it doesn' t snow too much here. My camera got dropped and broke this night when we were playing out in the snow, so I don't have a camera for right now, so hopefully I get a new one soon so I can blog again. The next day after the snow me and Blake built a snowman, but I don't have a picture because my camera is broken. So that was sad.
It has been over a month since the last time I blogged. So I've just been going through what happened this month. My little Lyla turned 1 on Jan. 30th and we had a birthday party for her on February 2nd. She loved her cake and Kenzee did, too. She is growing so fast.